[-empyre-] Re: empyre Digest, Vol 29, Issue 8

A couple of things, and please forgive me for not following this closely; I've been dealing with a lot of personal trauma. Anyway, how do you fit Bruce Sterling's recent book into this (or don't you)?

Second - I'm not sure I'd object to infotainment or entertainment, etc. in relation to surveillance technologies; the Net itself was developed as we know out of military contracts; television connects to WWII radar technologies, and so forth. So at least for me there's something proble- matic in not using something because of genesis or other uses - or feeling the need to use something only in relation or at least mentioning the relation to genesis or other uses. To use the technology as entertainment doesn't negate the other uses, or do injustice to their injustices. In other words, does all art have to reflect its political-sociological- militarist-etc. origins? It worries me when there's an implied 'should' in all of this. But again I may be missing the point and will draw back into lurk mode.

- Alan

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